How to Propagate Succulent Leaves or Stem?

Succulents have become increasingly sought-after over the last few years because of their beautiful and unique appearance and low-maintenance nature. One of the numerous advantages of succulents is their ability to grow quickly from their leaves, making them a great plant for novices and experienced gardeners. Growing succulent leaves is an easy and affordable method to increase your collection of plants and is a fantastic chance to try various varieties of succulents. In the following article, we’ll provide the steps to propagate succulent leaves, which include choosing the appropriate leaves and preparing them for propagation and various propagation methods.

Propagation techniques

Several types of propagation techniques can be used for succulents, each with its advantages and considerations. Here are some of the most common types of succulent propagation techniques:-

1.    Leaf propagation: Leaf propagation is a simple and easy technique that involves taking a leaf from a mature succulent and placing it on top of moist soil or sand. Over time, the leaf will develop roots over time and grow into a new plant. This technique is often used for echeverias, sedums, and other rosette-forming succulents.

2.    Stem propagation: Stem propagation involves taking a stem cutting from a mature succulent and allowing it to dry out for a few days before planting it in well-draining soil. The cutting will eventually develop roots and grow into a new plant. This technique is often used for cacti and other columnar or branching succulents.

3.    Offset propagation: Many succulents produce offsets or small plantlets that grow from the base of the parent plant. These can be separated from the parent plant and planted in their own pots to grow into new plants. This technique is often used for haworthias, agaves, and other succulents that produce offsets.

4.    Division propagation: Division propagation involves separating a mature succulent into smaller sections, each with roots and leaves. These smaller sections can be planted in their own pots to grow into new plants. This technique is often used for larger succulents like aloes and yuccas.

5.    Grafting: Grafting is a more advanced propagation technique involving combining two succulent species into one plant. This is done by taking a cutting from one succulent and attaching it to the stem or rootstock of another succulent. This technique is often used to create new varieties of succulents with unique appearances or growth habits.

It’s crucial to avoid overwatering new plants until they’ve developed a strong root system. Succulent propagations are a great way to grow new plants and expand a succulent collection.

Required tools and their uses

we will discuss the tools required for propagating succulent leaves and their uses.

1. A sharp, clean pair of scissors

A sharp, clean pair of scissors is essential for propagating succulent leaves. You will need to use them to cut the leaves from the mother plant, and they must be sharp to prevent damage to the leaves or the mother plant. Blunt scissors can cause unnecessary trauma to the plant, which can lead to infection or other issues. Always sterilize your scissors with rubbing alcohol or a flame before use to prevent the spread of disease.

2. A pot or tray for propagation

A propagation container or tray is required to provide the right environment for new plants to develop. A shallow pot or tray with a drainage system is ideal. It should contain a good draining soil mix that is suitable for succulents. The tray must be placed in a bright, humid, and warm place to encourage the growth of roots.

3. Rooting hormone

The rooting hormone is a powder or liquid that is a mixture of plant hormones that stimulate the growth of roots. Using rooting hormones to propagate succulent leaves is not always required, but it may boost the odds of success. It is recommended to choose a rooting hormone that is specifically designed for succulent plants. Always follow the instructions of the manufacturer for using the rooting hormone.

4. A spray bottle

A spray bottle filled with water is essential to keep the soil mix moist throughout the propagation process. The leaves of succulents require a humid and moist environment to grow roots. The spray bottle must spray the soil mix frequently and ensure it is humid but not waterlogged.

5. Tweezers

Tweezers can be useful for handling small leaves and delicate roots. Transferring them to the propagation tray can help you avoid damaging the leaves or roots. Tweezers are especially useful when handling tiny offsets that are too small to handle with your fingers.

How to choose the right leaves that will allow for succulent propagation.

Before we get started, we must know how different succulent leaves can be used to be propagated. The leaves should be robust, healthy, and free of any injury or disease. Here are a few things to take into consideration when choosing the right leaves for propagation:

1: Select leaves from a healthy plant: The parent plant’s health is important when choosing leaves for propagation. Select leaves from a mature, healthy succulent that isn’t working on signs of illness or stress. The plants that are unhealthy could have poor and stunted children.

2: Select mature leaves: Choose fully developed leaves with a firm, smooth texture. The leaves shouldn’t be too young or old because this can impact the propagation quality.

3: Choose leaves with an extended stem: Select leaves with a long stem attached. The stem is referred to as a petiole. It is vital for the success of propagation. The petiole aids the plant in growing roots and supplies the essential nutrients needed for growth.

4: Avoid leaves with damage or disease: Leaves that are damaged or infected with diseases are unsuitable for propagation. Damaged leaves may not produce healthy offspring, while diseased leaves can spread diseases to healthy plants.

5. Select leaves at least 2 inches long: Choose leaves at least 2 inches long, as smaller leaves may not contain enough nutrients for propagation. Larger leaves may be too heavy for the plant to support during propagation.

6. Consider the type of succulent: Different types of succulents have different requirements for propagation. Some succulents, such as Echeveria, can be propagated by their leaves, while others, such as cacti, require stem cuttings. Therefore, it is essential to research the specific requirements of the succulent species you want to propagate.

Not all leaves are suitable for propagation, and selecting the right ones can greatly increase your chances of success.

Process of Propagate from leaf

Step 1: Choose a Healthy Leaf

The first step is to select a healthy leaf from the mother plant. Look for a plump mature leaf with no signs of damage, disease, or pest infestation.

Step 2: Remove the Leaf

Use a clean and sharp pair of scissors or a knife to remove the leaf from the stem. Be careful not to damage the stem or the remaining leaves.

Step 3: Let the Leaf Dry

Place the leaf on a clean and dry surface and let it dry for a few days. This process will allow the wound to heal, and the cut end will callus over.

Step 4: Apply the Hormone

apply a rooting hormone to the reduce end of the leaf. This hormone will help the leaf develop roots and grow into a new plant.

Step 5: Plant the Leaf

Now it’s time to plant the leaf in a well-draining potting mix. Make a shallow hole in the soil and, gently press the leaf into it, cut the end down. Ensure that the leaf is in contact with the soil.

Step 6: Water the Plant

Water the newly planted leaf lightly, ensuring the soil is moist but not soaking wet. The plant doesn’t need much water at this stage, as it’s not yet established.

Step 7: Care for the Plant

Place the pot in a warm and bright location but without direct sunlight. Monitor the plant and water it as needed. In a few weeks, you’ll notice small roots emerging from the cut end of the leaf. This is a sign that the plant is growing, and it’s time to reduce watering gradually.

Process of Propagate from stem

Propagating succulents from stems is a simple and effective method that requires little effort or expertise. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to propagate succulents from stems.

Step 1: Select a healthy stem

Selecting a healthy stem is the first step in propagating succulents from stems. Choose a plump and firm stem with no signs of rot or disease. The stem should be at least two inches long and have a few leaves attached. Select a stem that belongs to a mature plant, as immature stems are less likely to root successfully.

Step 2: Allow the stem to callus

Once you’ve selected a stem, you need to let it callus before planting it. This is a crucial step, as planting the stem before it has callused can lead to rot or disease. To callus the stem, place it on a dry surface in a warm, bright location for a few days. Don’t water the stem during this time.

Step 3: Plant the stem

Once the stem is worn and is ready to plant the stem, it is possible to put the stem straight into the soil or put it in a pot filled with water. If you’re planting in soil, place a small container in well-drained soil and then make an opening at the center. Place the stem in the hole and ensure that the top end of the stem is firmly in the soil. When planting it in water, ensure you fill the container with sufficient water that covers the entire bottom inches of the stem. Put the stem into the water and make sure that it’s straight.

Step 4: Care for the stem

After the stem has been planted, taking care of it is crucial for successful rooting. If you’ve planted your stem in the soil, you can be sure to water it gently, but be cautious not to drown it. If you’ve placed the plant in water, change the water each day to avoid the growth of bacteria. Place the stem in a bright, warm area away from direct sunlight.

Step 5: Wait for the stem to root

The stem can take several weeks to root, so be patient. Check the stem periodically by gently tugging on it. If you feel resistance, it means the stem has rooted. Once the stem has been rooted, you can treat it like a mature succulent and transplant it into a larger pot or share it with friends.

Propagating succulents from stems is a simple and rewarding process. By following these steps, you can increase your collection of succulents or share them with others. Happy propagating!

How long does it take for succulent leaves to develop roots?

Growing succulents from leaves, among the more crucial actions, involves allowing the plant to grow roots. The process of forming roots is vital as it ensures that the plant can absorb nutrients and water from the earth, which is crucial for its growth and survival.

The time required for the leaves of succulents to form roots may differ based on various factors, such as the succulent and the conditions in the environment and the method of propagation employed. In general, succulent leaves could take a few weeks to a couple of months to grow roots.

In the rooting process, the propagated leaf develops the callus, a hardened and thickened layer of tissue located at its base. The callus protects the leaf from infections and also serves as a base to allow the growth of roots. After the callus is developed, the leaf will grow tiny roots that will eventually become larger and longer as the plant grows.

To encourage the growth of roots To encourage root growth, it is crucial to provide the proper conditions for growth, like direct, bright light along with warm temperatures, as well as drainage-friendly soil. The excess watering of the plant can slow root growth and cause the leaves to decay, which is why it’s essential to water the plant in a controlled manner until it has established strong roots.

In the end, the amount of time it takes succulent leaves to establish roots can differ in length, but typically it takes anywhere from several weeks to a couple of months. In this period it is crucial to create the right conditions for the environment and to remain patient as the plant grows its roots. If you take care of it properly and pay care, the plant will establish a sturdy root system and be ready to transplant to its pot.

How to Water and fertilizing the succulents that have been propagated :

Propagated leaves are two crucial actions when creating new plants using leaf cuttings. Succulents are drought-resistant and retain water in their stems, leaves, and roots, which makes them great potential candidates for propagation. Here’s the breakdown of how you can fertilize and water your new succulent leaves


Begin by making a potting mix that is well-drained and suitable for succulents. A mixture of perlite, sand, coco coir, or peat moss is a great choice.

After you have the potting mix, you can moisten it with water and then fill the tray or pot with a mix. Be sure to leave a room at the top.

Then, take your succulents that have been propagated and gently place them in your potting mixture. Ensure the cut side is close to the soil and the plant is flat on the soil surface.

Be careful when watering your newly planted leaves; only after can you see that the soil is not dry enough to the point of touching. Overwatering can cause root rot that can destroy your newly planted plants.

To add water, slowly pour it over the soil. Be sure to evenly moisten the soil equally. Do not get water on the leaves since this could cause rot.

Let the soil be completely drained before placing the tray or pot in a sunny location. Do not expose the plant to direct light until the plant starts to develop.


Succulents do not require a lot of fertilizer. However, just a tiny amount goes far. Use a balanced fertilizer like a 10-10-10 mix or a 5-10-5 mix.

Apply fertilizer sparingly every two to four weeks throughout your growing season. This usually runs from spring through the fall.

Reduce the fertilizer to half-strength and spread it over the soil. Be sure not to spill any onto the leaves.

It is also possible to use a slow-release fertilizer that will gradually release nutrients and not require repeated applications.

If your plants grow slowly or do not grow at all, it could indicate that they require more nutrients. But, be careful not to over-fertilize to the burning of the plants.

By following these fertilization and watering tips, you can make sure your succulent leaves grow into vibrant, healthy plants that add an element of natural beauty to your space.

How to care for newly propagated succulents?

The care of succulents after propagation is vital for their healthy development and growth. Here are some suggestions to take care of your newly-propagated succulent

1. Soil: Make sure the soil you are using is well-drained and has an adequate mix of perlite and sand, along with peat and moss. This can stop the onset of root rot and waterlogging which could be fatal to succulents.

2. Water: The newly propagated succulents should be watered only sparingly. It is important not to water until the soil becomes dry before you begin watering. In excess watering, the roots can begin to turn brown, which could cause irreparable damage to the plant.

3. The light: Succulents thrive under direct, bright light. After the propagation process, it’s crucial to place your plant in a sunny area However, ensure it’s not directly sunlight. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause harm to your plant.

4. The temperature : succulents like temperatures between 60degF and 80degF (15.5degC to 26.5degC). Conserve your succulent propagated in a cool spot far from cold drafts and extreme temperatures.

5. Fertilizer: You should begin feeding your succulents using a fertilizer solution that is diluted within about two to 3 weeks. Fertilizers high in nitrogen could harm succulents, which is why choosing an organic fertilizer or one specifically designed for succulents and cacti is recommended.

6. Repotting: The newly-propagated succulent could outgrow its pot. It’s crucial to determine if it requires the repotting process. If roots are sprouting through the drainage holes, or if the plant is heavy on top, then it’s time to pot it again.

If you follow these guidelines, You can be sure that your new-born succulent is off to a great start and flourishes in its new environment.

There are many benefits to propagating succulents.:-

Propagating succulents involves creating new plants from cuttings or leaves taken from existing succulent plants. Propagation has many advantages, such as:

1. Economical Advantage: Propagating succulents can be an economical way to grow your garden without breaking the bank. Succulents are renowned for their ability to sprout from small cuttings, so with just some effort and time, you can easily add many plants to your home or garden without breaking the bank.

2. Sustainability: Growing succulents is an eco-friendly method of cultivating plants. Instead of buying new plants, you can use pieces from your existing collection, meaning fewer purchases and less waste overall.

3. Expression of Creativity: Succulent propagation allows you to experiment with various varieties, colors, and textures. You can create unique arrangements by mixing succulent varieties or even create your own new plant by cross-breeding two distinct varieties together.

4. Easy Process: Growing succulents is relatively straightforward, even for novice gardeners. Most succulents are durable and can be propagated from cuttings or leaves, making it a risk-free procedure even for novicesTop of Form

5. Faster growth: Propagating succulents can result in faster plant growth. Instead of waiting for a single plant to grow, you can propagate several new plants at once, and with proper care, they can grow quickly.

6. Healthier plants: Propagating succulents can result in healthier plants. When you propagate a succulent, you are creating a new plant with a fresh start, free from any pests or diseases that may have affected the original plant. Also, propagating succulents allows you to select the healthiest and strongest cuttings or leaves for propagation, resulting in healthier plants.

In conclusion, propagating succulents from leaves can be a fun and rewarding activity for any plant lover. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can successfully propagate new plants from the leaves of your existing succulents.

Remember to choose healthy leaves, allow them to callus over, and plant them in a well-draining soil mix. Be patient and give your new plants time to establish roots before watering them.

With a little bit of care and attention, you can enjoy the satisfaction of growing new succulent plants from the leaves of your existing collection. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, propagating succulents is a great way to expand your plant collection and enjoy the beauty of these unique and fascinating plants.


Q1) What is the best time of year to propagate succulents from leaves and stem?

Answer: Spring and summer are the best times to propagate succulents from leaves and stem.

Q2) What tools do you need to propagate succulents from leaves and stem?

Answer: You will need a sharp, clean knife or scissors, a container with well-draining soil, and a watering can or spray bottle.

Q3) How long does it take for succulent leaves to develop roots?

Answer: It can take several weeks for succulent leaves to develop roots.

Q4) Can all succulent species be propagated from leaves and stem?

Answer: Most succulent species can be propagated from leaves and stem, but some may be more difficult than others.

Q5) Do you need to water the leaves or stem of a propagating succulent?

Answer: No, you should avoid watering the leaves or stem of a propagating succulent, as this can cause them to rot.

Q6) Should you place propagating succulents in direct sunlight or shade?

 Answer: You should place propagating succulents in a bright, indirect light and avoid placing them in direct sunlight.

Q7) Can you use rooting hormone to help propagate succulents from leaves and stem?

 Answer: Yes, rooting hormone can be helpful in propagating succulents from leaves and stem, but it is not always necessary.

Q8) When can you transplant propagated succulent leaves or stem into their own pots?

Answer: You can transplant propagated succulent leaves or stem into their own pots once they have developed roots and have started to grow new leaves.

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