Do Squirrels Eat Succulents?

Succulent vegetation are a famous preference for indoor and out of doors gardening because of their precise appearance. However, one question often arises among succulent enthusiasts is whether squirrels eat succulents. This is a common concern, as squirrels are known for their love of munching on plants and can cause significant damage to gardens. In this article, we will explore whether squirrels eat succulents and provide some insights into why this is a frequent problem among those who love these resilient and fascinating plants.

Squirrels are known for their bushy tails, cute appearance, and love for nuts. They belong to the rodent family and are distributed across the world. These tiny creatures are omnivores which means they consume both animals and plants. Let’s review their diet and the factors that could cause them to consume succulents.

Typical Diet of Squirrels

Squirrels have a wide range of food options to choose from. Nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects are their food. They particularly like acorns, walnuts, hickory nuts, and pecans. Squirrels also consume various fruits, such as apples, peaches, and berries. In addition, they feed on insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, and beetles.

Squirrels are known for their hoarding behaviour, which involves collecting and storing food for later use. They will often bury nuts and seeds in the ground and come back to retrieve them later. This behaviour helps them survive during winter when food sources are scarce.

Factors that can lead to eating Succulents

Succulents plants which store water in their stems, leaves and roots. Squirrels may be tempted to eat succulents if they experience a water shortage in their environment. If the conditions are dry, succulents may be among the few water sources available to squirrels. In addition, succulent plants may produce fruit or seeds that are a valuable source of nutrition for squirrels.

But it’s essential to know that squirrels aren’t typically recognized for their succulents. They prefer to consume foods high in protein and fats, including peanuts and other seeds. Consuming succulents might not provide them with the vital nutrients needed to live, as some succulent plants may harm animals.

Squirrels eat a diverse diet of seeds, nuts, fruits, insects and seeds. They are famous for the hoarding habits that help them live through winter. Although squirrels can occasionally consume succulents, this is not their usual diet, and they may not provide them with the essential nutrients to thrive.

Characteristics of succulents that might attract squirrels

Succulents are attractive to squirrels for several reasons. One of the main characteristics that may attract squirrels is their juicy and fleshy leaves, which contain a lot of water. This can be especially appealing to squirrels during dry periods when other water sources are scarce. Furthermore, succulents typically have a slight flavour that may be more appealing for squirrels than some species.

Another characteristic of succulents that may attract squirrels is their texture. Many succulents are covered in thick waxy leaves that feel soft and smooth. This texture may appeal to squirrels, who enjoy gnawing on different plants and surfaces. Certain succulents also have tiny hair-like structures called trichomes, which could attract squirrels.

What varieties of succulents squirrels will be more likely to eat is determined by the specific kind of squirrel as well as the accessibility of other food sources. There are a few species of succulents that appear to attract squirrels.

One type of succulent squirrels may eat is the jade plant (Crassula ovata). This plant has thick, fleshy leaves that can be pretty tasty to squirrels. Another succulent type that squirrels could consume is the sedum plant, which is available in a variety of various colours and textures. Squirrels may also be attracted to the echeveria plant, which has rosettes of thick, waxy leaves.

It’s important to note that while squirrels may eat succulents, they typically do not cause significant damage to the plant. Squirrels may nibble on the leaves or stem but rarely eat enough to harm the plant’s overall health. There are also various ways to stop the squirrels to avoid eating succulents, for instance, by using nets or different kinds of plants around.

Succulents have several characteristics that may attract squirrels, including their juicy leaves and smooth texture. Squirrels are known to eat certain succulent varieties. They usually don’t cause significant harm to plants. By understanding the types of succulents that squirrels are more likely to eat and using appropriate deterrents, gardeners can protect their plants and coexist with them.

Evidence of squirrels eat succulents :-

Squirrels are known for their love for seeds, nuts, and other fruits; however, some gardeners report seeing them munch on succulents. There is evidence that squirrels consume succulents, but a lack of research has been done on the topic. In this article, we will review the anecdotal evidence of squirrel activity around succulents and discuss any studies or research that have been conducted on squirrels and succulent consumption.

Anecdotal Evidence

Anecdotal evidence of squirrel activity around succulents is widespread. Gardeners have reported that they have seen squirrels gnawing on succulents; some have even taken photos or videos of squirrels consuming succulent leaves. According to these reports, squirrels are attracted by succulents’ succulent leaves that are juicy, especially when food options are in short supply.

One reason squirrels might be drawn to succulents is that their leaves are a water source. During dry periods, squirrels may seek out succulents as a source of hydration. Furthermore, succulents are a source of various nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins. This could make them desirable food items for squirrels.


Despite abundant anecdotal evidence, there has been little scientific research on squirrels and succulent consumption. A study of the diet of the eastern gray squirrels revealed that they ate an assortment of plants, including certain succulent species.

However, the study did not specifically focus on succulent consumption, and the researchers did not report any significant findings related to squirrels and succulent consumption.

Another study that examined the diet of ground squirrels found that they consumed a variety of succulent species. The study was carried out within the deserts in the southwest United States, where succulent plants are a popular food source for various species, including squirrels. The study did not examine whether squirrels actively seek out succulents or if they consume them at the at-the-moment.

There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that squirrels may eat succulents. There has now not been a whole lot studies performed on the concern. The studies didn’t specifically focus on squirrels and their consumption of succulents. Further research is required to determine whether squirrels are actively look for succulents for food or if they merely consume them on the spur of the moment. Gardeners might need to take steps to shield their succulents from squirrels, for example, by employing nets or repellents.

Prevent squirrels from eating succulents

Squirrels are known to be voracious eaters and can quickly decimate a succulent garden if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are several methods that you can use to prevent squirrels from eating your succulents.

Method 1: Create Physical Barriers

One of the best methods to keep squirrels from devouring your succulents is by creating physical barriers surrounding them. This can be done by placing chicken wire or hardware cloth around the plants. You can also use mesh netting or plastic fencing. The aim is to make it impossible for squirrels to access the plants.

When using these barriers, bury the bottom edge of the material at least six inches deep into the soil to prevent the squirrels from digging under it. Additionally, ensure the material is tall enough to keep the squirrels from reaching over the top.

Method 2: Use Repellents

Another method of preventing squirrels from eating your succulents is by applying repellents. Several types of squirrel repellents are available, including natural and chemical options. Natural repellents include hot pepper spray, garlic, and predator urine. On the other hand, chemical repellents are created to give off an unpleasant smell or taste and discourage squirrels from eating plants.

When you use repellents, make certain to follow the directions closely. Some repellents can be harmful to plants if used incorrectly. It is also important to apply repellents frequently to ensure they’re efficient.

Method 3: Distract the Squirrels

If nothing else works If all else fails, you can attempt to deter the squirrels by offering them an alternative source of food. It’s possible to accomplish this by installing the squirrel feeder outside in the backyard and then filling it with nuts or seeds.

By providing the squirrels with a food source, they may be less likely to go after your succulents.

Tips for Succulent Enthusiasts

In addition to the methods above, there are several tips that succulent enthusiasts can use to protect their plants from squirrels:

  • Choose the right plants: Some succulent plants are less attractive to squirrels than others. For example, plants with thick, waxy leaves or spiny textures may be less appealing.
  • Plant in raised beds: Planting your succulents in raised beds can make it more difficult for squirrels to access them.
  • Plant in containers: Planting your succulents in containers can also help to protect them from squirrels. Be sure to use heavy containers that the squirrels can’t easily knock over.
  • Keep your garden clean: Squirrels are attracted to gardens with fallen fruits and nuts. Be sure to keep your garden clean and free of debris.

Squirrels can be a real headache for succulent enthusiasts. However, by using physical barriers, repellents, and distraction techniques, you can prevent them from eating your plants. In addition, by following the advice above, you can assist in keeping your succulents safe and ensure they remain gorgeous and healthy. This article focuses on whether squirrels eat succulents. After a thorough review of various sources, we’ve realized that even though squirrels have been observed to consume a variety of food and even specific species of plants, nothing suggests they’re searching exclusively for succulents. They’ve evolved to deter herbivores with their tough, fibrous leaves and bitter taste, making them unattractive to animals like squirrels. It is possible that squirrels consume succulents in certain circumstances, like in times of a food shortage or when they’re extremely hungry. This isn’t a common situation, but being vigilant is recommended to safeguard your succulents from dangers like squirrels.


  • What are succulents?
    Succulents are a type of plant that store water in their leaves, stems, or roots.
  • Do squirrels eat plants?
    Yes, squirrels are known to eat a variety of plants, including some vegetables and fruits.
  • Are succulents safe from squirrel damage?
    Succulents are generally safe from squirrel damage due to their tough, fibrous leaves and bitter taste.
  • Can squirrels eat succulent flowers?
    Squirrels are unlikely to eat succulent flowers, as they are not a significant food source for them.
  • Do squirrels eat succulent roots?
    Squirrels are not known to eat succulent roots, as they prefer above-ground plant parts.
  • What are some other animals that may eat succulents?
    Deer, rabbits, and some insects may also eat succulents.
  • Are there any succulent species that squirrels may be more likely to eat?
    There is no evidence to suggest that squirrels target specific types of succulents.
  • How can I protect my succulents from squirrels?
    You can protect your succulents from squirrels by placing them in a protected area or using physical barriers such as netting or wire mesh.
  • Will squirrels eat succulents if there is a food shortage?
    Squirrels may eat succulents if there is a food shortage, as they will eat a wider range of plants during times of scarcity.
  • What are some other steps I can take to deter squirrels from eating my plants?
    Other deterrents include using strong-smelling sprays or planting companion plants that repel squirrels.

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