How Long Can Succulents Go Without Water?

Succulents are low-maintenance, retention of water plants, which outdoor and indoor gardeners love. Their ability to store water within their stems, leaves, and roots lets them thrive in dry environments and makes them a good choice for people seeking plants that require little maintenance. But the most frequently asked question is how long succulents survive without water. We’ll look at the elements that determine the length of time your succulents will be able to survive without water. We’ll also advise on making sure your succulents are healthy and content.

Features that can succulents survive two weeks without water:

  • Large, Fleshy Leaves and Stems Succulents: store water in their fleshy, thick stems and leaves. They are specifically designed to hold the water for long periods, allowing the plant to endure drought.
  • CAM Photosynthesis: The succulents employ the process of photosynthesis known as crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). This allows the plant to let its stomata (tiny pores on the leaf’s surface) in the evening when it’s cool and less humid. This reduces water loss due to evaporation throughout the daytime.
  • Lower Leaf Surface Area: Succulents generally have smaller leaves than others, this decreases their surface area overall and consequently, their water content that could be lost to transpiration.
  • Waxy Leaf Coatings: A few succulents are covered with a waxy coat on their leaves that assists in reducing the loss of water by evaporating.
  • The Root Adaptations: succulents typically have extensive and deep root systems that reach underground water sources, including Aquifers or deep soil layers.

    These adaptations allow succulents to thrive in dry desert environments where other plants cannot. It is crucial to remember that although succulents can live without water for long periods, they require water to thrive and survive. The excess watering of succulents can harm them, and it’s essential to determine the appropriate combination of sunlight and water to ensure they are healthy.

Factors that affect how long succulents can go without water

Succulents are plants that store water in their stems, leaves, and roots, which makes them suitable for semi-arid and arid climates. But, the amount of time a succulent can endure without water is contingent dependent on several variables such as:

  • Species:  Different varieties of succulents come with different degrees of drought tolerance. Certain species can last for several months or weeks without watering, while others require frequent watering.

Here are some examples of succulents that could endure for weeks or months without water

Sansevieria trifasciata: It is also known as the Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) Snake plant called mother-in-law’s tongue is a common indoor plant that can withstand prolonged durations of severe drought. It has fleshy, thick leaves that hold water and can go for weeks without irrigation.

  1. Aloe Vera (Aloe vera): Aloe vera is an ordinary succulent frequently used to treat ailments. It can go for weeks without water. However, it is preferentially kept hydrated regularly to encourage healthy development.
  2. Agave (Agave spp.): Agave is a huge genus of succulents originating from the Americas. They have fleshy, thick leaves that hold water, and some species can go for weeks without drinking water.
  3. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata):  The jade plant is a very popular houseplant that originated in South Africa. It is large leaves, which are round and store water. It can go on for weeks without irrigation.
  4. Echeveria (Echeveria spp.): Echeverias are a group of succulents with rosette-forming rosettes indigenous to Mexico and Central America. They are characterized by their thick, fleshy leaves that can store water and even go for weeks without irrigation.

    While succulents can withstand drought, they need water to thrive. It’s crucial to ensure they are watered when the soil is dry and avoid overwatering, which can result in root rot.

There are numerous species of succulents that require regular watering to the conditions of the growing season and climate. Some famous examples include:

  1. Echeveria: These succulents resembling rosettes are available in various shades and require regular watering throughout the growing season.
  2. Sedum: These low-growth succulents can form mats of dense clumps and like soil that drains well. They could be watered every 2 or 3 days during hot summer days.
  3. Crassula: These succulents with fleshy leaves are simple to take care of and require watering every 7 to 5-7 days in well-drained soil.
  4. Aloe: These spiky succulents require bright, indirect light and well-drained soil. They could need to be watered every 3-4 days during the growing season.
  5. Haworthia: These small succulents with a rosette shape like bright indirect light. They may require watering every 7-10 days in well-drained soil.

    It’s crucial to remember that every succulent species has its requirements for watering. In addition, the watering time could differ based on variables like the climate, the size of pots, and the soil kind. Keep your plants in check and alter your schedule of watering when needed.
  • Size and Age:  the size and age of a succulent are the most crucial elements determining how long it can live without water. In general, more miniature succulents have a lower capacity for water storage than those with more considerable abilities. So, they’ll require frequent watering to remain alive. In contrast, larger succulents will hold more water to last longer without water. But this is an essential principle since some miniature succulents have a higher water storage capacity than others.

    When a succulent matures, it usually develops a more extensive root system to draw more significant amounts of soil water. Furthermore, as it grows, the ability of the succulent to store water increases as well. So, a mature succulent is more likely to go longer without water than a smaller one of similar size. But, this depends on the type of succulent, as certain species may have yet to substantially improve their capacity for storing water as they age.
  • Type of Soil: the type of soil on which a succulent is placed will affect the length of time it can go without water. The ground that drains well, allowing the excess moisture to drain away quickly, helps stop root rot and other problems caused by excessive watering. The succulents planted in soil that holds water for prolonged durations may need frequent irrigation.
  •  Temperature and Humidity:  Extreme temperatures and low humidity amounts can make succulents shed water more quickly, which may affect their capacity to endure long times of dryness. However, cooler temperatures and higher humidity levels can aid succulents in keeping moisture in reserve for longer durations.
  • Light Exposure: The amount of sunlight that a succulent gets can impact its water requirements. Succulents that receive more light may require frequent irrigation to compensate for the transpiration rate due to evapotranspiration.
  •  Season: The season may affect the length of time that succulents can live without water. When it is winter, daylight hours are shorter, and temperatures are colder, most succulents go into the dormancy phase, which means they require less. In summer, when temperatures rise and the longer days, they may need more regular watering to keep them alive. It is essential to be aware of the unique requirements of each succulent and adjust the watering schedule to their needs to ensure that they stay well-nourished and flourish.

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How can you tell if a  succulent needs water?

succulents require regular watering. Here are a few signs that a plant needs water:

  • Leaf wrinkles or shrivels:  If a succulent begins to lose water, the leaves can wrinkle or shrink. This happens because the plant is depleting its water reserves, and if it doesn’t receive additional water soon, it could start to die.
  • Dry Soil:  If the soil around your succulent is dry, it’s the right time for you to water your plant. Watering your plant appropriately is crucial because it could be as damaging as watering too much. The best general rule of thumb is to water your succulents when the soil’s top inch is dry to the point of contact.
  • Dull, Less Vibrant Colors: Well-hydrated succulent has vibrant shiny leaves. However, those that are dehydrated may show dull or dull hues. If the colours of your succulent appear less enthusiastic than usual it could be an indication that it is in need of water.
  • Slow growth:  When your plant is growing less than usual, it could be because it isn’t getting enough water. Water is vital for the development of plants, and an absence of water can reduce a plant’s growth rate.
  • Leaning or Wilting: A succulent that does not get enough water could begin to wilt or lean. It’s because the plant is getting too fragile to bear its own weight. If you notice that your succulent is becoming wilted or leaning, it is a sign that it needs water.

In general, succulents are durable plants that don’t need frequent irrigation. It’s nevertheless essential to look for these indicators to ensure your succulent gets the water it requires to flourish.

How do I properly water succulents

The proper watering of succulents is vital to their growth and health. Here are some suggestions for watering succulents correctly:

  • Water Infrequently but deeply:  Succulents store water within their stems and leaves, so they don’t have to be watered as frequently as other plants. Watering them regularly during the growing season and reducing the frequency to every 2 to 3 weeks during dormant seasons is recommended.
  • Choose suitable soil:  They require a well-drained soil that lets water flow quickly. Choose a mix of succulents or cacti, including fine sand and perlite or pumice, to aid drainage.
  • Water from the bottom:  Put the pot in a tray of water, and let the soil absorb the accumulated water at the bottom. This will keep water from sitting on leaves, leading to decay.
  • Avoid overwatering: This is among the most frequent mistakes people make when it comes to succulents. Water only when the soil is dry. Also, ensure the container has drainage holes that allow the excess water to drain away.
  • Be aware of the temperature and humidity levels: Succulents thrive in dry and warm conditions. Therefore, water them when the temperature falls less than 50degF (10degC) or when humidity is high.
  • Use a watering can with a narrow spout: Use a watering container with a narrow spout. This will let you place the water precisely towards the needed areas and prevent getting the water onto the leaves.

If you follow these guidelines, you will be able to ensure that your succulents remain happy and healthy.

Can overwatering harm succulents?

Yes, overwatering can harm succulents. Succulents are renowned for their capacity to store water within their stems, leaves, and roots, which permits them to live in dry conditions. But they need to be better adapted to the constant moisture, and excessive water could cause the roots to rot and cause other issues.

If succulents are irrigated too much, the soil remains overly saturated, and this can result in root decay. This is because the roots are not supplied with enough oxygen, which can cause roots to die. In the process, the succulents will begin to display signs of stress like yellowing, wilting leaves, and spots of brown or black on the stems or leaves.

In addition, excessive watering may cause fungal and pest problems, which could further cause harm to the plant. It is essential to only water succulents after the soil has become dry and to ensure that the soil is draining to allow excess water to escape easily.

Succulents require watering. However, overwatering could damage them through root rot, which attracts insects and fungal diseases and eventually destroys or kills the plant.

How often should succulents be watered?

The watering frequency for succulents may depend on many factors, including the succulent and its size, humidity, temperature, and growth medium. Most succulents are well-adapted to dry conditions and prefer soil that drains well, letting water flow through quickly.

In general, it’s best to submerge succulents rather than overwater them. Overwatering could cause root rot and other problems, and letting the soil dry between the watering is essential. For a general guide, it’s best to keep your succulent watered every 1-2 weeks during summer and every 3-4 weeks during winter. Testing the soil’s moisture levels before applying water is recommended. It’s as easy as placing a finger in the soil or using a moisture gauge.

If the soil is dry, about one or two inches beneath the surface, it’s time to sprinkle water on your succulent. If the soil remains damp, hold on to watering. It is also essential to give your succulent a thorough watering whenever you water it, not just give it a tiny quantity.

The best way to determine the frequency at which you keep your plant in good health is to watch it with the surrounding environment. By keeping an eye on the appearance of your succulent, its growth rate, and the soil’s water content, you can adjust your watering schedule to suit.

Follow this advice if you neglect your succulents in a prolonged period of duration.

Give your plant adequate watering: First, offer your succulent deep, thorough watering. Make sure to water the soil until it’s thoroughly saturated, letting any excess water evaporate from the pot.

  • Let the soil dry out:  After watering, let the soil dry completely before watering again. They are well-adapted to drought conditions so that they can withstand prolonged drought. Overwatering is among the main reasons succulents die. It’s essential to allow the soil to dry out before watering again.
  • Remove dead or damaged leaves:  If any succulent leaves have become brown or mushy, cut them off using a hygienic, sharp blade of scissors. This will allow the plant to concentrate its energy on developing new growth.
  • Make sure you have plenty of sunshine:  The succulents require lots of sunlight to thrive and thrive, so ensure that your plant receives sufficient light. Set it in a bright spot or under the light of a grow lamp if needed.
  • Think about repotting:  your succulent is dehydrated to unusable and prone to rot; it’s best to pot it up again in new soil. Make sure you use a well-drained soil mix. Specially designed for succulents and cacti, Ensure the pot is equipped with drainage holes to keep water from sitting on the base of the container.
  • Be aware that succulents are resilient plants and can bounce back from a period of neglect by giving them a bit of effort and care.

Ultimately, succulents are highly resilient plants that have evolved to endure extreme, dry environments. They can conserve water in their stems, leaves, and roots, allowing them to survive periods of drought. Although the amount of time a succulent can live without water is contingent on various factors, including the species, the size of the plant, and the conditions in which it is located, many succulents can last from a few months to weeks without water. It is crucial to remember that although succulents can survive for a long time without drinking water, they require regular watering to ensure their health and health. Over-watering, however, could be as damaging to succulents as sub-watering. If you are aware of the requirements of your succulents and give them the proper care, it is possible to ensure your plants flourish for a long time.


  • How long can succulents go without water?

Succulents can generally survive without water for several weeks to months, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

  • What are some factors that can affect how long a succulent can go without water?

The size of the succulent, the humidity of its environment, and the time of year can all impact how long a succulent can survive without water.

  • What are some signs that a succulent needs water?

When a succulent starts to wrinkle or its leaves appear wilted, it is a sign that it needs water. However, this may not always be the case, as some succulents naturally have wrinkled leaves.

  • Can overwatering harm succulents?

Yes, overwatering can harm succulents by causing root rot or fungal infections. It is important to allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions.

  • How often should succulents be watered?

It is recommended to water succulents every 1-2 weeks, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

  • What is the best way to water succulents?

The best way to water succulents is to thoroughly soak the soil and allow it to dry out completely before watering again.

  • Can succulents survive in dry environments?

Yes, succulents are well-adapted to surviving in dry environments and can often thrive in areas with little rainfall.

  • What should I do if I accidentally forget to water my succulent for a long time?

If a succulent has gone without water for an extended period of time, it may take some time to recover. Gradually reintroduce water, starting with small amounts and increasing gradually as the plant begins to show signs of growth and recovery.

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